[29 January 2025] Wishing you a healthy and auspicious new Lunar Year of the Snake!

[25 December 2025] Merry Christmas!

[16 September 2024] Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

[30 April 2024] A new cover picture in Facebook

[10 February 2024] Wishing you a healthy and auspicious new Lunar Year of the Dragon

[25 December 2023] Merry Christmas!

[14 February 2023] Happy Valentine's Day!
[21 January 2023] Wishing you a healthy and auspicious new Lunar Year of the Rabbit!

[13 January 2023] Upcoming English Roundhand (Intermediate) Course in St. James' Settlement for intermediate level calligraphy lovers is open for enrolment: https://www.sjsmile.com/course/1642

[13 January 2023] Upcoming two western calligraphy courses in St. James' Settlement are open for enrolment:
English Roundhand (Elementary) Course: http://www.sjsmile.com/course/550
Gothic Script (Textura) Course: http://www.sjsmile.com/course/1149

[25 December 2022] Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

[10 Sept 2022] It is Mid-Autumn Festival today. I wrote this piece without the word 'Happy' as we lost two wise queens — Elizabeth II and Shiela Waters — in just half a year.

[28 July 2022] Upcoming four western calligraphy courses in St. James' Settlement are now open for enrolment.
Italic Hand (Intermediate Level): http://www.sjsmile.com/course/1812
English Roundhand (Elementary Level): http://www.sjsmile.com/course/550
English Roundhand (Intermediate Level): http://www.sjsmile.com/course/1642

[27 Mar 2022] 聖雅各福群會「銅版體西洋書法班(基礎)」2022年春季課程現正接受報名。此課程以十八世紀著名書法家及銅版雕刻家George Bickham的銅版體作範本,深入探討英式銅版體的基礎技術。有關詳情及登記,歡迎前往:http://www.sjsmile.com/course/550。
English Roundhand (Elementary) Course (Spring 2022) in St. James’ Settlement has been kicked off for registration. For more information and registration, please visit http://www.sjsmile.com/course/550.

[1 February 2022] Wishes for the new Lunar Year of The Tiger!

[28 Nov 2021] 聖雅各福群會「銅版體西洋書法(基礎)」2022年春季課程現正接受報名。此課程以十八世紀著名書法家及銅版雕刻家George Bickham的銅版體作範本,深入探討英式銅版體的基礎技術。有關詳情及登記,歡迎前往:http://www.sjsmile.com/course/550。
English Roundhand (Elementary) Course (Spring 2022) in St. James’ Settlement has been kicked off for registration. For more information and registration, please visit http://www.sjsmile.com/course/550.

Cited from 'The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue' by V. E. Schwab.

Thanks the old king who brought the truth to light.

Name of the novel 'Beauty and Sadness' by Yasunari Kawabata.
[18 September 2021] Alpha Beta Club Annual Exhibition 2021
• Venue: Artland Gallery, Hong Kong • Date: 18–29 September 2021 • Time: Mon–Fri: 9am–7pm; Sat: 9am–5pm

[16 August 2021] Two new western calligraphy courses in Autumn 2021 have been kicked off for registration. For details and registration, please visit:
English Roundhand (Elementary) Course: http://www.sjsmile.com/course/550
Italic Hand (Elementary) Course: http://www.sjsmile.com/course/672

[23 May 2021] 聖雅各福群會「銅版體西洋書法班(進階)」2021年夏季課程現正接受報名。此課程專為對英式銅版體已有基本知識和技術,希望再上一層樓的人士而設,課堂中會重點研究連字處理、花飾線、排文設計及構圖原理。有關詳情及登記,歡迎前往:https://www.sjsmile.com/course/1642 。
English Roundhand (Intermediate) Course (Summer 2021) in St. James’ Settlement has been kicked off for registration. For more information and registration, please visit https://www.sjsmile.com/course/1642.

[24 February 2021] Copperplate Script(銅版體),又名English Roundhand始源自英國,曾在十七至十八世紀銅版印刷的黄金時代被廣泛採用。聖雅各福群會「銅版體西洋書法班(基礎)」課程現正接受報名。此課程以十八世紀著名書法家及銅版雕刻家George Bickham的銅版體作範本,深入探討英式銅版體的基礎技術。有關詳情及登記,歡迎前往:http://www.sjsmile.com/course/550 。

[16 February 2021] Wishing you an auspicious Year of the Ox!

[1 January 2021] Wishing everybody a Happy and Healthy 2021!

See Yourself In Others

The Emperor’s New Clothes
[5 December 2020] Happy to participate in this year’s ABC’s Annual Exhibition with my two pieces of works — ‘See Yourself In Others’ and ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’. The exhibition will be held until 17 December 2020, in Artland Gallery, Wanchai, Hong Kong. (Mon–Fri: 9am–7pm; Sat: 9am–5pm, Sun: Closed)

[ 2 October 2020] Italic Hand workshop 2020 in St. James’ Settlement is opened for registration now. For more information, please visit http://www.sjsmile.com/course/672.

[1 October 2020] Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

[26 September 2020] 'LOST' (2020) — My joint exhibition with Rocky Cheung and Albert Cheung, from 26/9/2020 to 8/10/2020, at Artland Gallery, 3/F Lockhart Centre, 301–307 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, HK.

Interview in MILK, Issue 957, August 2020.

MILK, Issue 957, August 2020.
[26 August 2020] Many thanks to MILK (Issue 957 — 'Stay Home', August 2020) for the interview. Thank you Jimmy for the wonderful feature. Always happy to share my views on calligraphy and I hope more people will find enjoyment in writing and continue to explore the world of calligraphy.

This new piece is being exhibited in Room 12 Gallery at Cattle Depot Artist Village, Tokwawan. ‘Peace Reigns over The Land’ art exhibition is hosted by Just Space. The exhibition opens seven days a week (Including public holidays) till 8 December 2019. 11am–8pm everyday. See you there!
[9 November 2019] The ABC annual exhibition this year will take place in Artland Gallery, Wanchai; from 9 Nov to 5 Dec 2019 (Mon–Fri: 9am–7pm, Sat: 9am–5pm, closed on Sun).
[9 April 2019] My first Gothic script workshop is under planning. It'll be hosted in St. James’ Settlement Wanchai Centre in June. Course details and registration will be launched soon in https://www.sjsmile.com/course/category/2.
[10 January 2019] My多謝伍家謙、譚淇淇、Pauline及香港電台31台『日常8點半』!
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=C0kHE9vay_I *訪問在節目第二節(23:00)

[1 December 2018] 『正空間2018-2019展覽 :風•水 Where Wind and Water Goes』
29.12.2018(星期六)至 6.1.2019(星期日)
土瓜灣 馬頭角道63號 牛棚藝術村 12號館
早上11時 至 下午7時
土瓜灣 馬頭角道63號 牛棚藝術村 12號館
早上11時 至 下午7時

[10 November 2018] With tremendous pleasure, we have two masterpieces by Ms Eleanor Winters in this year’s ABC Annual Exhibition alongside with the pieces by our members. See you there.
ABC Annual Exhibition: Artland Gallery, 3/F, Lockhart Centre, 301–307 Lockhart Road, Wanchai. 17–29 Nov 2018; 10am–7pm Mon–Fri, 10am–5pm Sat. Live demonstrations on 17–24 Nov, 2pm–5pm.

[4 September 2018] At the 30th anniversary of the all-time trendiest magazine Harper’s Bazaar, I am happy and grateful to have the honour to celebrate its birthday with my calligraphy, and the chance to briefly share my views on western calligraphy in fashion. (‘Harper's Bazaar HK’, Issue: September 2018)

[8 August 2018] An exclusive interview posted on Ming Pao Daily today.

[29 July 2018] In the Panic Flea Market on 5 August 2018, I’ll write and jam with Bom, Lousy Jon, Cynthia Luk, and 文樂幾香 on a huge piece of fabric. After that, we’ll use that piece to make tote bags for sale. Come and get yours. For details, please visit: https://www.facebook.com/events/1356978964446737/

[15 March 2018] A recent interview by ‘China Daily’: https://www.facebook.com/chinadaily/videos/10156164486736291/

[26 March 2018] Alpha Beta Club’s next Western Calligraphy Beginner’s Course (Italic) May – July 2018 is ready for registration. The registration will be kicked off at 9am on 25 March 2018.

[26 March 2018] The next Italic calligraphy workshop in July in St. James’ Settlement is now open for registration. For more information about it, please visit http://www.sjsmile.com/course/672.

[26 March 2018] My English Roundhand workshop in St. James’ Settlement in 2018 is now open for registration. For more information about it, please visit http://www.sjsmile.com/course/550.

[20 November 2017] Here comes ABC Annual Exhibition 2017. It will be taken place from 16 to 28 Dec 2018 at Artland Gallery, Wanchai. There will be 18 western calligraphers including me this year. Don’t miss it.
[18 November 2017] My Italic calligraphy workshops in Zacca Dream next year are now open for registration. For more information about it, please visit https://www.facebook.com/ZaccaDreamfans/posts/1934376469912431.

[16 October 2017] A series of cursive writing workshops for Montblanc 1881 Heritage from October 2017 to June 2018.

Now you can go out with your hoody and tote bag, or chill out with a mug of coffee on floor pillows with my unique calligraphy pieces printed on. Welcome to visit my eShop at Society6.com — https://society6.com/dienlor.

[4 July 2017] ‘Beyond The Basics’ copperplate flourishing workshop in July–Aug in Write The Future has only few tickets for reservation. For more information and registration, please visit: http://thepointofsale.com/tickets/wtf170708001.

[21 June 2017] From now till 31 July 2017, some of my new pieces are exhibited in Qing Zuo (請坐) at Sai Ying Pun. For details, please visit: https://www.facebook.com/CursiveStrokes/posts/270927113313659

[4 May 2017] This’s an interview by South China Morning Post broadcast online on 4 May. What a great opportunity to show a Mr Derick Pao’s quote, which was in an email to me in January this year:
‘When teaching your students, spent a little more time with those who show true eagerness and willingness to learn. Point them to the right directions. In today’s technology, it is so much easier to get information on lettering and calligraphy on internet. Help them to differentiate what is good and what is amateurish!’
That’s been what in my mind ever and I believe it should be a mission of all calligraphy teachers.
Thanks South China Morning Post SCMP and Jeremy Tow Eth!
Thanks South China Morning Post SCMP and Jeremy Tow Eth!
[25 March 2017] It’s completely on in April. Please visit our western calligraphy show in the eslite spectrum, Cityplaza, HK. https://www.facebook.com/eslitehk/posts/1471505906225278

[25 February 2017] An interview with demonstration of brushed Roman by i-Cable on 7 Feb 2017. The program was broadcast on 25 Feb 2017 in『拉近文化:西洋書法 2:現代西洋書法』, Financial Info Channel.
[1 January 2017] Wishing everybody all the best in 2017

[28 January 2017] Wishing everyone an auspicious Year of Rooster!
[21 December 2016] Wish they could speak (2) 難言之泯 (Please view Voices of Animals page for more details)
This new piece is being exhibited in N2 Gallery at Cattle Depot Artist Village, Tokwawan. ‘Left Against Right’ art exhibition is hosted by Just Space and organised by I Am Art Management. The exhibition opens seven days a week (Including public holidays) till 1 Jan 2017. 2–8pm everyday. See you there!

[20 December 2016] Thank you for your visiting my website! Merry Christmas and enjoy your holidays!
[19 November 2016] ABC Annual Exhibition 2016 will take place from 19 Nov to 1 Dec at Artland Gallery, Wanchai. Master calligrapher Eleanor Winters will exhibit her pieces with us this year. Don’t miss it!

[9 September 2016] My first mini show at sense99, Central, Hong Kong, in September 2016.
![[20 June 2016] Home Town Exhibition in Write The Future in June to July 2016.](https://cdn.myportfolio.com/4b0d8c7fc46f812bfd4d30c0186be69f/d1c0f0b7-5ed5-4cd1-a34c-d260d0037bdd_rw_1920.jpeg?h=1e08d890c22a71295769b2cf2dddd5a3)
[20 June 2016] Home Town Exhibition in Write The Future in June to July 2016.

![[20 June 2016] Home Town Exhibition opening demonstration on 16 June on rooftop of Write The Future, Kwuntong, HK.](https://cdn.myportfolio.com/4b0d8c7fc46f812bfd4d30c0186be69f/11fc1540-d90b-481a-9a54-3c3d51ea3583_rw_1920.jpeg?h=1552d9c12960ed0d5fce7f4218555749)
[20 June 2016] Home Town Exhibition opening demonstration on 16 June on rooftop of Write The Future, Kwuntong, HK.
[8 June 2016] The Opening of the Home Town calligraffiti exhibition in White The Future (2/F Easy pack Industrial Building, 140 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, HK). 7pm–10pm on 18 June. The exhibition will last for a month.
[3 March 2016] Interview in 8910 Good Morning, Me2 at DBC Radio.
[12 February 2016] City Life in Hong Kong Economic Times.

[25 January 2016] Sing Tao Features in Sing Tao Daily.