聖雅各福群會延續教育中心 銅版體西洋書法(基礎)課程。本課程以十八世紀著名書法家及銅版雕刻家 George Bickham 的銅版體作範本,深入探討英式銅版體的基礎技術。有關詳情及登記,歡迎前往:
English Roundhand (Elementary) Course in St. James’ Settlement, Hong Kong. For information and enrolment, please visit http://www.sjsmile.com/course/550
Calligraphy abc — A Glimpse of Copperplate: in St. James’ Settlement, Hong Kong. For information and enrolment, please visit https://www.sjsmile.com/activities/view/4368

聖雅各福群會延續教育中心 銅版體西洋書法(進階)課程。有關詳情及登記,歡迎前往: https://www.sjsmile.com/course/1642
English Roundhand (Intermediate) Course in St. James’ Settlement, Hong Kong. For more information and enrolment, please visit: https://www.sjsmile.com/course/1642